Kitty's Home to a Home

How does one go from a home full of kitty love, toys, nooks, special snuggle spots, and decorated cat place settings to nothing?

A week ago my beloved 13 year-old cat, Honey, passed away and it's been really hard loving my home because at its center is a hole.

So, how does one go from a home full of kitty to a home without? I'm not sure yet. I do know it takes time. The kitty nook in my computer station is staying, along with a few favorite toys; these things I do not mind so much as they bring back the good memories of her playing, being happy, or helping me work on the computer.

There are two household items though, that while they also brought her joy, make me feel that pang of sadness; that is her two favorite kitty rugs. One was hot pink and suited her well; the other was this silly fish mat I got from a client at work.

I'm not into fish motifs, but the colors fits perfectly in my bathroom and the minute I parked it on the floor, Honey declared it her own. Her eyes matched the rug perfectly. Stepping from the shower to this rug is no longer the same. First I see it and feel sad, then I feel it and it feels clean. There is no kitty fur sticking to my wet feet, nor loose bits of litter. I would give anything to have that icky, no longer clean feet feeling back, if it meant life back to normal with my sweet cat.


Abode is going on Vacation through the weekend... since I'm having trouble activating my comments option here...if you have any... leave them on the first post of my other blog J's World. I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Have a good weekend...spring clean and create a space that is beautiful!

Is it weird?

...that I think these images are cool and totally inspirational for decorating?

I saw them in one of Yahoo's story about this new first-aid book... While the red signifies pain in the body, I love the hues and seeing the human body in another form.

Also imagine if these were wall art; then throw them on the wall of a girly room... they'd be so wrong, that they'd be right!


Never underestimate the power of a dash of leopard print.

This classy, and yes sometimes trashy, print can add a spark of eclectic pizazz to your home. If you're not super into the idea, but want to play a little, simply add a pillow or small accessory wit the print, or go a little crazy and do a rug, like me. Whatever you decide, not only will you have that spunk of kitten, but you may just feel a little bit more feisty!