Thank you Vogue

Oh Vogue, how I love thee! You keep getting it right with your leading ladies... Anne Hathaway... Angelina Jolie..and now again Natalie Portman. Many kisses to you!

And a favorite shot from Vintage Portman/Vogue, 2004:

Black Swan

I heard of Black Swan this past summer and was at the edge of my seat with anticipation of its arrival in theaters. As suspected, the film did not disappoint. It is a truly beautiful, haunting, and gorgeous piece of work. How could it not be though when you put Aronofsky at the helm?

A brilliant director that is not afraid to dive into the messy parts of life, Aronofsky will turn the most beautiful thoughts and images into deeply ugly, but yet real moving moments; and then he will take the most grotesque, thoughts, ideas, and moments and make them brilliantly gorgeous. Need further proof of this? Simply take a look at Ellen Burstyn's performance in Requiem for Dream. Haunting!

In Black Swan, Portman nailed it as Nina Sayers. And of course she did so because she too is simply brilliant. If you haven't seen her in Closer, I highly recommend! The Black Swan supporting cast was brilliant in the demise of Nina. Kudos especially to Ms. Ryder, who I will always refer to, of course, as a Veronica.

I long for my next viewing of Black Swan!